Home/Browse by collection/Haematology (incl blood transfusion)

Haematology (incl blood transfusion)

Showing results 51 - 60 of 100

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Cryopreserved platelets compared with liquid-stored platelets for the treatment of surgical bleeding: protocol for two multicentre randomised controlled blinded non-inferiority trials (the CLIP-II and CLIPNZ-II trials)
Michael C. Reade, Denese C Marks, Belinda Howe, Shay McGuinness, Rachael Parke, Leanlove Navarra, Richard Charlewood, Lacey Johnson, Zoe McQuilten, , on behalf of the CLIP-II and CLIPNZ-II Investigators, Michael C. Reade, Denese C. Marks, Belinda Howe, Zoe McQuiltenSee the full list of authors

20 December 2022

Flow cytometry lyophilised-reagent tube for quantifying peripheral blood neutrophil myeloperoxidase expression in myelodysplastic syndromes (MPO-MDS-Develop): protocol for a diagnostic accuracy study
Tatiana Raskovalova, Laura Scheffen, Marie-Christine Jacob, Simon Chevalier, Sylvie Tondeur, Bénédicte Bulabois, Mathieu Meunier, Gautier Szymanski, Christine Lefebvre, Charlotte Planta, Chantal Dumestre-Perard, Nicolas Gonnet, Frédéric Garban, Raymond Merle, Sophie ParkSee the full list of authors

7 October 2022