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Haematology (incl blood transfusion)

Showing results 91 - 100 of 100

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Study protocol for a multicentre, 2×2 factorial, randomised, controlled trial evaluating the interest of intravenous iron and tranexamic acid to reduce blood transfusion in hip fracture patients (the HiFIT study)
Sigismond Lasocki, Thibault Loupec, Elsa Parot-Schinkel, Bruno Vielle, Marc Danguy des Déserts, Antoine Roquilly, Maria Lahlou-Casulli, Vincent Collange, Olivier Desebbe, Alexis Duchalais, Bertrand Drugeon, Pierre Bouzat, Delphine Garrigue, Benjamin Mounet, Franck HamardSee the full list of authors

17 January 2021