Editorial Board
BMJ Open Editorial Board members have agreed and adhere to the BMJ Editor Roles and Responsibilities guidelines; including our Editor policy on competing interests.
Editor in Chief
Adrian Aldcroft
London, UK
Declaration of Interests: Nothing to Declare

Deputy Editor
Executive Editors
Natasha Leeson
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Shona Reeves
London, UK
Competing interests>>

Research Editors
Ria Anjo
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Artur Arikainen
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Neil Bennet
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Amy Branch-Hollis
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Shauna Heffernan
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Anne Menard
London, UK
Competing interests>>

Nicole Martin
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Thomas Phillips
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Jamie Royle
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Florence Theil
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Sinéad Weldon
London, UK
Competing interests>>
Zainab Yusuf
London, UK
Competing interests>>

Editorial Coordinator
Becky Kitchin
London, UK
Editorial Assistant
Laura Phillips
London, UK
Associate Editors
Nicole Martin
London, UK
Shivali Fulchand
London, UK
Helen Howard
London, UK
Emma Veitch
London, UK
Eleni Panagoulas
London, UK
Emma Johnson
London, UK
Ana Lopez
London, UK
Helen Surana
London, UK
Jennifer Thorley
London, UK
Christine Ferguson
London, UK
Statistical Reviewers
Lucinda Archer
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Kyle Dack
University of Bristol
Bristol, UK
Zoe Kelson
University of Exeter
Exeter, UK
Tobias Kurth
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Berlin, Germany
James Martin
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Mohammed Moinuddin
University of Central Lancashire
Lancashire, UK
Bright Offorha
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
Katie Scandrett
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Editorial Advisory Board
Abdullah Aljoudi
University of Dammam
Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Fredrick Ashbury
Toronto, Canada
Greg Atkinson
Teesside University
Teesside, UK
Adrian Barnett
Queensland University of Technology
Queensland, Australia
Anne Barton
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
Christina Bergh
Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Gothenburg, Sweden
Jeffrey Braithwaite
Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia
Meredith Brooks
Boston University
Boston, USA
Chris Bullen
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Alexandra Burton
Queen Mary University of London
London, UK
Andrew Bush
Imperial College London
London, UK
Christopher Butler
University of Cardiff
Cardiff, UK
Breda Eubank
Mount Royal University
Calgary, Canada
Tom Fahey
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Dublin, Ireland
David Felson
Boston University
Boston, USA
Rosario Ferrer Cascales
University of Alicante
Alicante, Spain
Tsion Firew
Columbia University
New York, USA
Joel Francis
University of the Witwatersrand
Johannesburg, South Africa
Jenny Godley
The University of Calgary
Alberta, Canada
Nicholas Graves
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia
Lucy Griffiths
Swansea University,
Swansea, UK
Gordon Guyatt
McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
Caroline Homer
University of Technology Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Lei Huang
Anhui Medical University
Hefei, China
Luis Huicho
Cayetano Heredia University
Lima, Peru
Andre Pascal Kengne
South African Medical Research Council
Cape Town, South Africa
Rose Anne Kenny
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
Emma Kirby
University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia
Sallie Lamb
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
Liliana Laranjo
Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia
Heidi Lempp
King's College London
London, UK
Joel Lexchin
York University
Toronto, Canada
Helena Liira
University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland
Angela Lupattelli
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
C Raina MacIntyre
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Parker Magin
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Arch G. Mainous III
University of Florida
Florida, USA
Tanja Manser
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Olten, Switzerland
Shabir Moosa
University of the Witwatersrand
Johannesburg, South Africa
Irwin Nazareth
University College London
London, UK
Anna Odone
University of Pavia
Pavia, Italy
Ian Pavord
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Leicester, UK
Arjee Javellana Restar
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, USA
Paula Rochon
Women's College Hospital
Toronto, Canada
David Silvério Rodrigues
NOVA Medical School
Lisbon, Portugal
Jane Sandall
King's College London
London, UK
Lesley Stewart
University of York
York, UK
Stephanie Stock
University Clinic of Cologne
Cologne, Germany
Martin Stockler
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Lehana Thabane
McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
Matthew Thompson
University of Washington
Seattle, USA
Allison Tong
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Chukwuma Umeokonkwo
Federal Teaching Hospital
Abakaliki, Nigeria
Veronique Verhoeven
University of Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium
Andrew Vickers
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre
New York, USA
Cecilia Vindrola
University College London
London, UK
Jo Waller
Queen Mary University
London, UK
Fiona M. Walter
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Yize Wan
Queen Mary University of London
London, UK
Hywel Williams
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, UK
Janet Wilson
Newcastle University
Newcastle, UK
Charles S. Wiysonge
South African Medical Research Council
Cape Town, South Africa
Yangfeng Wu
The George Institute
Beijing, China
Statistical Advisory Board
Victoria Allgar
University of York
York, UK
Peter Baade
Cancer Council Queensland
Queensland, Australia
Adrian Barnett
Queensland University of Technology
Queensland, Australia
Alan Batterham
Teesside University
Middlesbrough, UK
Robin Christensen
Copenhagen University Hospital
Copenhagen, Denmark
Stephen-Mark Cooper
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff, UK
Helen Dakin
University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
David Gillespie
Cardiff University
Cardiff, UK
Andrew Hinde
University of Southampton
Southampton, UK
Yannan Jiang
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Le Kang
US Food and Drug Administration
Maryland, USA
Bernet Kato
Imperial College London
London, UK
Jake Olivier
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Timothy Pickles
Cardiff University,
Cardiff, UK
Avinesh Pillai
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Katie Saunders
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Yana Vinogradova
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, UK
Peter Watson
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Editorial advisory board members provide feedback on the journal's performance, advise on priorities and developments within their areas of expertise/interest and may be consulted on individual manuscripts for an editorial opinion or to suggest reviewers. They do not take editorial decisions.
Publishing Team
Associate Publisher: Geetha Balasubramaniam
Publisher: Theodora Bloom