Improved parental understanding by an enhanced informed consent form: a randomized controlled study nested in a paediatric drug trialNut Koonrungsesomboon, Chanchai Traivaree, Charnunnut Tiyapsane, Juntra Karbwang
26 November 2019
Do protocols for new randomised trials take previous similar trials into account? Cohort study of contemporary trial protocolsAsger Sand Paludan-Müller, Michelle C Ogden, Mikkel Marquardsen, Jonas Vive, Karsten Juhl Jørgensen, Peter Christian Gøtzsche
10 November 2019
Doctors’ perspectives on adhering to advance care directives when making medical decisions for patients: an Australian interview studyNadia Moore, Karen M Detering, Tessa Low, Linda Nolte, Scott Fraser, Marcus Sellars
31 October 2019
Australian pharmacists’ perspectives on physician-assisted suicide (PAS): thematic analysis of semistructured interviewsSami Isaac, Andrew McLachlan, Betty Chaar
30 October 2019
An investigation into the impact and implications of published papers from retracted research: systematic search of affected literatureAlison Avenell, Fiona Stewart, Andrew Grey, Greg Gamble, Mark Bolland
30 October 2019
Pharmaceutical payments to certified oncology specialists in Japan in 2016: a retrospective observational cross-sectional analysisAkihiko Ozaki, Hiroaki Saito, Yosuke Onoue, Toyoaki Sawano, Yuki Shimada, Yurie Somekawa, Aritsune Tsuji, Tetsuya Tanimoto
6 September 2019
Pharmaceutical industry funding of events for healthcare professionals on non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants in Australia: an observational studyBehrad Behdarvand, Emily A Karanges, Lisa Bero
20 August 2019
Protocol for a systematic scoping review of reasons given to justify the performance of randomised controlled trialsBrian Dewar, Mark Fedyk, Lucas Jurkovic, Stephanie Chevrier, Rosendo Rodriguez, Simon C Kitto, Raphael Saginur, Michel Shamy
26 July 2019
Approaches to governance of participant-led research: a qualitative case studyAzure Dominique Grant, Gary Isaac Wolf, Camille Nebeker
2 April 2019
Author misrepresentation of institutional affiliations: protocol for an exploratory case studyVivienne C Bachelet, Francisco A Uribe, Ruben A Díaz, Alonso F Vergara, Fabiana Bravo-Córdova, Víctor A Carrasco, Francisca J Lizana, Nicolás Meza-Ducaud, María S Navarrete
22 February 2019