Discrepancies in self-reported financial conflicts of interest disclosures by physicians: a systematic reviewCameron Taheri, Abirami Kirubarajan, Xinglin Li, Andrew C L Lam, Sam Taheri, Nancy F Olivieri
8 April 2021
The Lived Experience Of Participants in an African RandomiseD trial (LEOPARD): protocol for an in-depth qualitative study within a multisite randomised controlled trial for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitisDavid S Lawrence, Katlego Tsholo, Agnes Ssali, Zivai Mupambireyi, Graeme Hoddinott, Deborah Nyirenda, David B Meya, Chiratidzo Ndhlovu, Thomas S Harrison, Joseph N Jarvis, Janet Seeley
5 April 2021
Rationalisations for women-only randomised controlled trials in conditions that affect both sexes: a scoping review protocolAinsley Matthewson, Olena Bereznyakova, Brian Dewar, Alexandra Davis, Mark Fedyk, Vignan Yogendrakumar, Dean A Fergusson, Sophia Gocan, Dar Dowlatshahi, Robert Fahed, Michel Shamy
16 February 2021
‘Lines in the sand’: an Australian qualitative study of patient group practices to promote independence from pharmaceutical industry fundersLisa Parker, Quinn Grundy, Alice Fabbri, Barbara Mintzes, Lisa Bero
9 February 2021
Which factors should be included in triage? An online survey of the attitudes of the UK general public to pandemic triage dilemmasDominic Wilkinson, Hazem Zohny, Andreas Kappes, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Julian Savulescu
8 December 2020
Characteristics and trends of clinical studies primarily sponsored by China in WHO primary registries between 2009 and 2018: a cross-sectional surveyYang Xu, Min Dong, Xuemei Liu
20 November 2020
Which moral barriers and facilitators do physicians encounter in advance care planning conversations about the end of life of persons with dementia? A meta-review of systematic reviews and primary studiesAngela JJM Keijzer-van Laarhoven, Dorothea P Touwen, Bram Tilburgs, Madelon van Tilborg-den Boeft, Claudia Pees, Wilco P Achterberg, Jenny T van der Steen
12 November 2020
Advanced consent for participation in acute care randomised control trials: protocol for a scoping reviewNaomi Niznick, Ronda Lun, Brian Dewar, Dar Dowlatshahi, Michel Shamy
16 October 2020
Determining the level of data sharing, and number of publications, from research databases that have been given a favourable opinion by UK research ethics committeesSamantha Trace, Mike Bracher, Simon E Kolstoe
30 September 2020
Evaluating underpinning, complexity and implications of ethical situations in humanitarian operations: qualitative study through the lens of career humanitarian workersRamin Asgary, Katharine Lawrence
16 September 2020