Emotional impact on healthcare providers involved in medical assistance in dying (MAiD): a systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesisSaumil Yogendra Dholakia, Alireza Bagheri, Alexander Simpson
15 July 2022
Acceptability of donor funding for clinical trials in the UK: a qualitative empirical ethics study using focus groups to elicit the views of research patient public involvement group members, research ethics committee chairs and clinical researchersKirstie Shearman, Alexander Masters, Dominic Nutt, Simon Bowman, Heather Draper
17 June 2022
Deferred consent in emergency obstetric research: findings from qualitative interviews with women and recruiters in the ACROBAT pilot trial for severe postpartum haemorrhageLorna Sweeney, Doris Lanz, Jahnavi Daru, Annika M P Rasijeff, Farzana Khanom, Amy Thomas, Angela Harden, Laura Green
4 May 2022
A cross-sectional examination of conflict-of-interest disclosures of physician-authors publishing in high-impact US medical journalsJames H Baraldi, Steven A Picozzo, Jacob C Arnold, Kathryn Volarich, Michael R Gionfriddo, Brian J Piper
11 April 2022
Clinical ethics support services in paediatric practice: protocol for a mixed studies systematic review on structures, interventions and outcomesMariana Dittborn, Bernardita Portales, Joe Brierley
8 April 2022
How are adults with capacity-affecting conditions and associated communication difficulties included in ethically sound research? A documentary-based survey of ethical review and recruitment processes under the research provisions of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) for England and WalesKaren Bunning, Oluseyi Florence Jimoh, Rob Heywood, Anne Killett, Hayley Ryan, Ciara Shiggins, Peter E Langdon
31 March 2022
Prevalence and forms of gender discrimination and sexual harassment among medical students and physicians in French-speaking Switzerland: a surveyIris Najjar, Jennifer Socquet, Angele Gayet-Ageron, Bara Ricou, Julien Le Breton, Anne Rossel, Jasmine Abdulcadir, Cindy Soroken, Elena Tessitore, Caroline Gerstel, Julie Halimi, Giulia Frasca Polara, Matteo Coen, Eva Niyibizi
17 January 2022
Qualitative study of GPs’ views and experiences of population-based preconception expanded carrier screening in the Netherlands: bioethical perspectivesSofia Morberg Jämterud, Anke Snoek, I M van Langen, Marian Verkerk, Kristin Zeiler
9 December 2021
Are patients accurate forecasters of their emotional response to medical conditions? A scoping review on affective forecastingG J van den Bosch, R A N Roos, R Otten, Claudi Bockting, Y M Smulders
6 December 2021
CARING FUTURES: a study protocol for transdisciplinary qualitative research on technology-mediated care practices and theory development for ethics of careEllen Ramvi, Birgitta Haga Gripsrud, Ingvil Hellstrand, Brita Gjerstad, Åse Elisabeth Vagli
13 September 2021