
Showing results 31 - 40 of 100

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Phase I-IIa clinical trial to evaluate the safety, feasibility and efficacy of the use of a palate mucosa generated by tissue engineering for the treatment of children with cleft palate: the BIOCLEFT study protocol
Antonio España-López, Ricardo Fernández-Valadés, Elisa Cubiles, Ingrid Garzón, Miguel Angel Martin-Piedra, Víctor Carriel, Fernando Campos, Adoración Martínez-Plaza, Daniel Vallejo, Esther Liceras-Liceras, Jesús Chato-Astrain, Oscar Dario García-García, David Sánchez-Porras, Paula Ávila-Fernández, Miguel Etayo-EscanillaSee the full list of authors

5 December 2024

STRIVE pilot trial: a protocol for a multicentre pragmatic internal pilot randomised controlled trial of Structured TRaining to Improve fitness in a Virtual Environment (STRIVE) before surgery
Daniel I McIsaac, Puneeta Tandon, Gurlavine Kidd, Karina Branje, Emily Hladkowicz, Julie Hallet, Duminda Nalaka Wijeysundera, Susan Lee, Margaret L McNeely, Monica Taljaard, Chelsia Gillis, on behalf of the STRIVE Trial Investigators, , on behalf of the STRIVE Trial Investigators, Rebecca AuerSee the full list of authors

7 November 2024