Early initiation of breast feeding and associated factors among mother-baby dyads with immediate skin-to-skin contact: cross-sectional study based on the 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey dataGirma Teferi Mengistu, Bizunesh Kefale Mengistu
29 March 2023
Correlation of IVF outcomes and number of oocytes retrieved: a UK retrospective longitudinal observational study of 172 341 non-donor cyclesGulam Bahadur, Roy Homburg, Kanna Jayaprakasan, Claudia Joanne Raperport, Judith A F Huirne, Santanu Acharya, Paul Racich, Ali Ahmed, Anil Gudi, Abha Govind, Eric Jauniaux
2 January 2023
Increasing the availability of long-acting reversible contraception and medical abortion in primary care: the Australian Contraception and Abortion Primary Care Practitioner Support Network (AusCAPPS) cohort study protocolDanielle Mazza, Sharon James, Kirsten Black, Angela Taft, Deborah Bateson, Kevin McGeechan, Wendy V Norman
15 December 2022
Pregnancy among adolescent girls in humanitarian settings: a case in refugee camp of Gambella regional state, community-based cross-sectional study, Southwest Ethiopia, 2021Koang Nyak Bol, Ebissa Negera, Abdi Geda Gedefa
17 November 2022
Improving experience of medical abortion at home in a changing therapeutic, technological and regulatory landscape: a realist reviewPaula Baraitser, Caroline Free, Wendy V Norman, Maria Lewandowska, Rebecca Meiksin, Melissa J Palmer, Rachel Scott, Rebecca French, Kaye Wellings, Alice Ivory, Geoff Wong, , The SACHA study team, Sharon Cameron, Louise KeoghSee the full list of authors
16 November 2022
Knowledge, attitude and perception among medical students and healthcare professionals regarding male infertility: a cross-sectional survey from BangladeshMohammad Azmain Iktidar, Sreshtha Chowdhury, Simanta Roy, A M Khairul Islam, Mahzabeen Islam, Tonmoy Chowdhury, Mustari Nailah Tabassum, Tahsin Sumat Ali, Atandra Akash, Mashrur Ahmed, Faraz Al Zafar, Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader
10 November 2022
Dietary and/or physical activity interventions in women with overweight or obesity prior to fertility treatment: protocol for a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysisEmily Evans-Hoeker, Zheng Wang, Henk Groen, Astrid E P Cantineau, Ann Thurin‐Kjellberg, Christina Bergh, Joop S E Laven, Alexandra Dietz de Loos, Geranne Jiskoot, Jean-Patrice Baillargeon, Stefano Palomba, Kyra Sim, Lisa J Moran, Juan J Espinós, Trine MoholdtSee the full list of authors
7 November 2022
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in periconceptional and lactating women: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocolXianzhi Su, Hua Lu, Xinyun Li, Mingli Luo, Fangyuan Li, Qi Zhang
7 November 2022
Association of urinary bisphenol A concentrations with in vitro fertilisation outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocolXian-Ling Cao, Nai-Xin Xu, Xuan-You Zhou, Chen-Ming Xu
1 November 2022
Performance of HPV testing, Pap smear and VIA in women attending cervical cancer screening in Kilimanjaro region, Northern Tanzania: a cross-sectional study nested in a cohortAlex Mremi, Bariki Mchome, Joseph Mlay, Doris Schledermann, Jan Blaakær, Vibeke Rasch
31 October 2022