Reproductive medicine

Showing results 11 - 20 of 100

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Tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during hysterosalpingography versus tubal flushing by hysterosalpingo-foam sonography in infertile women undergoing fertility work-up: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial (FOil study)
Danah Kamphuis, Janette P M Huijser, Nienke van Welie, Harold R Verhoeve, Esther Kuijper, Jan Peter de Bruin, Angelique J C M van Dongen, Susanne C J P Gielen, Guusje de Krom, Femi Janse, Carolien A M Koks, Annemiek W Nap, Johannes R Anema, Judith E Bosmans, Jaap StokerSee the full list of authors

24 November 2024