Explaining the negative effects of patient participation in patient safety: an exploratory qualitative study in an academic tertiary healthcare centre in the NetherlandsMichael Van der Voorden, Kees Ahaus, Arie Franx
5 January 2023
Measures used to assess interventions for increasing patient involvement in Danish healthcare setting: a rapid reviewBente Skovsby Toft, Lotte Rodkjaer, Anne Bendix Andersen, Annette de Thurah, Berit Nielsen, Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen, Jens Thusgård Hørlück, Lisbeth Kallestrup, Liv Marit Valen Schougaard, Mette Spliid Ludvigsen, Mette Terp Hoybye, Trine Ellegaard, Hilary Bekker
26 December 2022
Protocol for a pilot and feasibility study evaluating a complex nurse-led patient education intervention to promote cancer patient engagement in healthy lifestyle (O-PHE programme)Loris Bonetti, Serena Barello, Cristina Franzoso-Sartorio, Maria Claudia Rinaldi, Andrea Cattaneo, Angela Tolotti, Sarah Liptrott, Davide Sari
23 December 2022
Accuracy of self-perceived risk of falls among hospitalised adults in China: an observational studyGuanjun Bao, Yuanfei Liu, Wei Zhang, Ye Luo, Lin Zhu, Jingfen Jin
22 December 2022
Embedding electronic patient-reported outcome measures into routine care for patients with stage III MELanoma (ePROMs-MEL): protocol for a prospective, longitudinal, mixed-methods pilot studyKathy Dempsey, Robyn Saw, Iris Bartula, Serigne Lo, Craig Lawn, Thomas Pennington, Andrew Spillane, Frances Boyle, Skye Dong, Mbathio Dieng, Donna Milne, Linda Seaman, Dina Saks, Julia Lai-Kwon, Jake Robert ThompsonSee the full list of authors
20 December 2022
Stakeholders barriers and facilitators for the implementation of a personalised digital care pathway: a qualitative studyFlorence Heijsters, Jesse Santema, Margriet Mullender, Mark-Bram Bouman, Martine de Bruijne, Femke van Nassau
23 November 2022
Integrating patient values and preferences in healthcare: a systematic review of qualitative evidenceMichael Tringale, Genia Stephen, Anne-Marie Boylan, Carl Heneghan
18 November 2022
Discussing results of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) between patients and healthcare professionals in routine dialysis care: a qualitative studyEsmee M van der Willik, Jet Milders, Johannes A J Bart, Willem Jan W Bos, Frans J van Ittersum, Marc A G J ten Dam, Marc H Hemmelder, Friedo W Dekker, Yvette Meuleman
17 November 2022
Acceptability and feasibility of an online information linker service for caregivers who have a child with genetic epilepsy: a mixed-method pilot study protocolEden G Robertson, Lauren Kelada, Stephanie Best, I Goranitis, Natalie Grainger, Fleur Le Marne, Kristine Pierce, Suzanne M Nevin, Rebecca Macintosh, Erin Beavis, Rani Sachdev, Annie Bye, Elizabeth E Palmer
26 October 2022
International patient preferences for physician attire: results from cross-sectional studies in four countries across three continentsNathan Houchens, Sanjay Saint, Christopher Petrilli, Latoya Kuhn, David Ratz, Lindsey De Lott, Marc Zollinger, Hugo Sax, Kazuhiro Kamata, Akira Kuriyama, Yasuharu Tokuda, Carlo Fumagalli, Gianni Virgili, Stefano Fumagalli, Vineet Chopra
3 October 2022