Efficacy of a new day surgery management mode based on WeChat: a study protocol for randomised controlled trialsYun Shi, Junyu Yan, Shuangwen Wang, Yifan Li, Xiaoqian Deng
4 August 2022
Impetus of US hospital leaders to invest in patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs): a qualitative studyDanny Mou, Christer Mjåset, Claire M Sokas, Azan Virji, Barbara Bokhour, Marilyn Heng, Rachel C Sisodia, Andrea L Pusic, Meredith B Rosenthal
6 July 2022
International perspective on healthcare provider gender bias in musculoskeletal pain management: a scoping review protocolKatherine Fisher Wilford, Maria Jesus Mena-Iturriaga, Margaret Vugrin, Macarena Wainer, Phillip S Sizer, Gesine Hendrijke Seeber
17 June 2022
Stakeholder involvement in care transition planning for older adults and the factors guiding their decision-making: a scoping reviewSarah Carbone, Kristina Marie Kokorelias, Whitney Berta, Susan Law, Kerry Kuluski
13 June 2022
Health literacy in medication communication during hospital discharge: a qualitative study at an internal medicines ward in NorwayKajsa Rebecka Bengtsson, Stine Eidhammer Rognan, Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong, Helene Berg Lie, Yvonne Andersson, Morten Mowe, Liv Mathiesen
9 June 2022
Patient experience, satisfaction and shared decision-making in colorectal cancer screening: protocol of the mixed-methods study CyDESAAnna Selva, Pilar López, Teresa Puig, Francesc Macià, Clara Selva, Yolanda Álvarez-Pérez, Rebeca Terraza, Andrea Burón, Salvador Tarek Machlab, Carles Pericay, Ivan Solà, Núria Torà, Vanesa Rodríguez, Cristina Barrufet, Anna AymarSee the full list of authors
30 May 2022
How are patient-related characteristics associated with shared decision-making about treatment? A scoping review of quantitative studiesSascha M Keij, Joyce E de Boer, Anne M Stiggelbout, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Ellen Peters, Saïda Moaddine, Marleen Kunneman, Arwen H Pieterse
24 May 2022
Cohort profile: The Bariatric Experience Long Term (BELONG): a long-term prospective study to understand the psychosocial, environmental, health and behavioural predictors of weight loss and regain in patients who have bariatric surgeryKaren J Coleman, Silvia R Paz, Bhumi B Bhakta, Brianna Taylor, Jialuo Liu, Tae K Yoon, Mayra Macias, David E Arterburn, Cecelia L Crawford, Adam Drewnowksi, Marlaine S Figueroa Gray, Laurel D Hansell, Ming Ji, Kristina H Lewis, Darren D MooreSee the full list of authors
24 May 2022
Who is at the centre of what? A scoping review of the conceptualisation of ‘centredness’ in healthcareElizabeth Ann Sturgiss, Annette Peart, Lauralie Richard, Lauren Ball, Liesbeth Hunik, Tze Lin Chai, Steven Lau, Danny Vadasz, Grant Russell, Moira Stewart
2 May 2022
Checklists to reduce diagnostic error: a systematic review of the literature using a human factors frameworkJawad Al-Khafaji, Ryan F Townshend, Whitney Townsend, Vineet Chopra, Ashwin Gupta
29 April 2022