Comprehensive evaluation of malaria reactive surveillance and response strategies in Lao People’s Democratic Republic: a mixed-methods studyWin Htike, Win Han Oo, Nilar Aye Tun, Boualam Khamlome, Phoutnalong Vilay, Virasack Banouvong, Keobouphaphone Chindavongsa, Thet Lynn, Sanya Vathanakoune, May Chan Oo, Ei Phyu Htwe, Aung Khine Zaw, Kaung Myat Thu, Naw Hkawng Galau, Kaung Myat KhantSee the full list of authors
29 August 2024
Antibiotic use in public hospitals in Vietnam between 2018 and 2022: a retrospective studyVu Quoc Dat
9 August 2024
Study protocol: diagnostic accuracy study comparing Cy-Tb and STANDARD F TB-Feron FIA tests for tuberculosis infection diagnosis in VietnamHan Thi Nguyen, Luan Nguyen Quang Vo, Andrew Codlin, Rachel Forse, Tom Wingfield, Kristi Sidney, Emily Lai-Ho MacLean, Jacob Creswell, Beatrice Kirubi, Lina Davies Forsman
9 August 2024
Surveillance of antibiotics use in inpatients at Benjamin Mkapa Zonal Referral Hospital in Dodoma, Tanzania: a point prevalence surveyKauke Bakari Zimbwe, Yusto Julius Yona, Charity Alphonce Chiwambo, Alphonce Bilola Chandika, Humphrey Sawira Kiwelu, Omary Salim Kizenga, Mfaume Michael Mleke, Moshi Moshi Shabani
3 August 2024
Surveillance of global, travel-related illness using a novel app: a multivariable, cross-sectional studyThibault Lovey, Nadja Hedrich, Martin Peter Grobusch, Julian Bernhard, Patricia Schlagenhauf, , The ITIT Global Network, Ulf Blanke, Gilles Eperon, Philippe Gautret, Albie de Frey, Esther Kuenzli, Andreas Lindner, Frank Mockenhaupt, Corneliu PopescuSee the full list of authors
27 July 2024
Safety of high-dose amikacin in the first week of all-oral rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis treatment for the prevention of acquired resistance (STAKE): protocol for a single-arm clinical trialJihad Snobre, Joel Gasana, Jean Claude Semuto Ngabonziza, Isabel Cuella-Martin, Leen Rigouts, Bart Karl Jacobs, Emeline de Viron, Natacha Herssens, Jean Baptiste Ntihumby, Annualithe Klibazayre, Clement Ndayishimiye, Armand Van Deun, Dissou Affolabi, Corinne S Merle, Claude MuvunyiSee the full list of authors
24 July 2024
Establishment of a multisite umbrella cohort study protocol to describe the epidemiology and aetiologies of acute undifferentiated febrile illness in Latin AmericaMiguel Mauricio Cabada, Patricia Veronica Aguilar, Juan David Rodas, Marylin Hidalgo, Karen Mozo, Eugenia Smirna Gonzalez-Diaz, Matilde Jimenez-Coello, Francisco Javier Diaz, Mathew M Dacso, Antonio Ortega-Pacheco, Margarita Arboleda, David H Walker, Scott C Weaver, Peter C Melby
22 July 2024
Assessing healthcare workers’ confidence level in diagnosing and managing emerging infectious virus of human mpox in hospitals in Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia: multicentre institution-based cross-sectional studyAlmaw Genet Yeshiwas, Abathun Temesegen, Gashaw Melkie, Tilahun Degu Tsega, Abebaw Mola, Hiwot Tesfa, Aschale Shimels, Mengist Asmamaw, Anley Shiferaw, Dejen Tsegaye, Esubalew Muchie, Derseh Tesfaye, Chalachew Yenew
5 July 2024
Same-visit hepatitis C testing and treatment to accelerate cure among people who inject drugs (the QuickStart Study): a cluster randomised cross-over trial protocolJoseph S Doyle, Katherine Heath, Imogen Elsum, Caitlin Douglass, Amanda Wade, Jessica Kasza, Kate Allardice, Sally Von Bibra, Kico Chan, Beatriz Camesella, Rodney Guzman, Mellissa Bryant, Alexander J Thompson, Mark A Stoové, Thomas L SnellingSee the full list of authors
2 July 2024
Cross-sectional study to investigate the seroprevalence and risk factors of Toxoplasma gondii among women attending the antenatal clinic in Namwala, ZambiaVictor Daka, Moses Mukosha, Sharon D Zimba, Andrew M Phiri
1 July 2024