‘Omics’ biomarkers associated with chronic low back pain: protocol of a retrospective longitudinal studyMassimo Allegri, Manuela De Gregori, Cristina E Minella, Catherine Klersy, Wei Wang, Moira Sim, Christian Gieger, Judith Manz, Iain K Pemberton, Jane MacDougall, Frances MK Williams, Jan Van Zundert, Klaas Buyse, Gordan Lauc, Ivan GudeljSee the full list of authors
19 October 2016
Study of seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified in East Asians for association with obesity in a Taiwanese populationWei-Hsin Huang, Lee-Ching Hwang, Hsin-Lung Chan, Hsiang-Yu Lin, Yung-Hsiang Lin
10 August 2016
Investigating the accuracy of parentally reported weights and lengths at 12 months of age as compared to measured weights and lengths in a longitudinal childhood genome studySahel Hazrati, Suchitra K Hourigan, Allison Waller, Yvonne Yui, Nancy Gilchrist, Kathi Huddleston, John Niederhuber
4 August 2016
Other side of the coin for personalised medicine and healthcare: content analysis of ‘personalised’ practices in the literatureTomris Cesuroglu, Elena Syurina, Frans Feron, Anja Krumeich
13 July 2016
Screening for cognitive impairment with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Chinese patients with acute mild stroke and transient ischaemic attack: a validation studyLijun Zuo, Yanhong Dong, Rongyan Zhu, Zhao Jin, Zixiao Li, Yilong Wang, Xingquan Zhao, Perminder Sachdev, Wei Zhang, Yongjun Wang
12 July 2016
Perceptions of risk and predictive testing held by the first-degree relatives of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in England, Austria and Germany: a qualitative studyRebecca J Stack, Michaela Stoffer, Mathias Englbrecht, Erika Mosor, Marie Falahee, Gwenda Simons, Josef Smolen, Georg Schett, Chris D Buckley, Kanta Kumar, Mats Hansson, Axel Hueber, Tanja Stamm, Karim Raza
29 June 2016
Effect modification of FADS2 polymorphisms on the association between breastfeeding and intelligence: protocol for a collaborative meta-analysisFernando Pires Hartwig, Neil Martin Davies, Bernardo Lessa Horta, Cesar Gomes Victora, George Davey Smith
15 June 2016
Empirical evaluation of the Q-Genie tool: a protocol for assessment of effectivenessZ N Sohani, S Sarma, A Alyass, R J de Souza, S Robiou-du-Pont, A Li, A Mayhew, F Yazdi, H Reddon, A Lamri, C Stryjecki, A Ishola, Y K Lee, N Vashi, S S AnandSee the full list of authors
9 June 2016
How do women trade-off benefits and risks in chemotherapy treatment decisions based on gene expression profiling for early-stage breast cancer? A discrete choice experimentDeborah A Marshall, Ken Deal, Yvonne Bombard, Natasha Leighl, Karen V MacDonald, Maureen Trudeau
2 June 2016
Mutation screening of the TPO gene in a cohort of 192 Chinese patients with congenital hypothyroidismChunyun Fu, Bobo Xie, Shujie Zhang, Jin Wang, Shiyu Luo, Haiyang Zheng, Jiasun Su, Xuyun Hu, Rongyu Chen, Xin Fan, Jingsi Luo, Xuefan Gu, Shaoke Chen
12 May 2016