Genetics and genomics

Showing results 71 - 80 of 100

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Validation of a clinical screening instrument for tumour predisposition syndromes in patients with childhood cancer (TuPS): protocol for a prospective, observational, multicentre study
Floor A M Postema, Saskia M J Hopman, Corianne A J M de Borgie, Peter Hammond, Raoul C Hennekam, Johannes H M Merks, on behalf of the TuPS study group, Cora M Aalfs, Jakob K Anninga, Lieke PV Berger, Fonnet E Bleeker, Eveline SJM de Bont, Corianne AJM de Borgie, Charlotte J Dommering, Natasha KA van EijkelenburgSee the full list of authors

20 January 2017