Patients’ and clinicians’ views on the appropriate use of safety-netting advice in consultations—an interview study from SwedenRita Fernholm, Carolina Wannheden, Sofia Trygg Lycke, Sara Riggare, Karin Pukk Harenstam
5 October 2023
Technologies for the diagnosis of angle closure glaucoma (ACE): protocol of a prospective, multicentre, cross-sectional diagnostic studyAugusto Azuara-Blanco, John G Lawrenson, Anthony J King, Paul J Foster, Gianni Virgili, Mary Guiney, Winnie Nolan, Anish Jindal, Meenakshi Sharma, Ciaran O'Neill, Christopher R Cardwell, Mike Clarke
4 October 2023
Multiple chemical sensitivity scoping review protocol: overview of research and MCS constructSusanne Hempel, Margie Danz, Karen A Robinson, Maria Bolshakova, Jesus Rodriguez, Alanna Mears, Cindy Pham, Sachi Yagyu, Aneesa Motala, Danica Tolentino, Omid Akbari, Jill Johnston
22 September 2023
Refinement and validation of a comprehensive clinical diagnostic model (GAMAD) based on gender, age, multitarget circulating tumour DNA methylation signature and commonly used serological biomarkers for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicentre, prospective observational study protocolTian Yang, Nanya Wang, Fengmei Wang, Hongmei Liu, Feng Shen, Guoyue Lv
18 September 2023
Soluble C-type lectin-like receptor 2 in stroke (CLECSTRO) study: protocol of a multicentre, prospective cohort of a novel platelet activation marker in acute ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attackShinichiro Uchiyama, Katsue Suzuki-Inoue, Hideo Wada, Yasushi Okada, Teruyuki Hirano, Takehiko Nagao, Hiroyuki Kinouchi, Ryo Itabashi, Haruhiko Hoshino, Koichi Oki, Yutaka Honma, Nobuo Ito, Hiroshi Sugimori, Masahide Kawamura
18 September 2023
Diagnostic potential of plasma biomarkers and exhaled volatile organic compounds in predicting the different stages of acute mesenteric ischaemia: protocol for a multicentre prospective observational study (TACTIC study)Annet A M Duivenvoorden, Mathias Clarysse, Laurens J Ceulemans, Robert H Geelkerken, Joep P M Derikx, Jean-Paul P M de Vries, Hessel C J L Buscher, Steven W M Olde Damink, Frederik Jan van Schooten, Tim Lubbers, Kaatje Lenaerts, , Dutch Mesenteric Ischemia Study (DMIS) group, Ron Balm, Gert Jan de BorstSee the full list of authors
29 August 2023
Diagnostic Accuracy and economic value of a Tiered Assessment for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (DATAforFASD): ProtocolDianne C Shanley, Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck, Amanda J Wheeler, Joshua Byrnes, Robert S Ware, Wei Liu, Gabrielle Simcock, Codi White, Sarah Horton, Marjad Page, Doug Shelton, Haydn Till, Ianthe Mills, Carly Hislop, Katrina HarrisSee the full list of authors
16 August 2023
Feasibility and efficacy of ultrasound in the diagnosis of discoid lateral meniscus and its classification in children: protocol for a prospective, multicentre, diagnostic test studyShunJie Yang, MingZhi Zhang, LingCheng Wang, Mingke You, Jian Li, Gang Chen
10 May 2023
How does work environment relate to diagnostic quality? A prospective, mixed methods study in primary careMaram Khazen, Erin E Sullivan, Sophia Arabadjis, Jason Ramos, Maria Mirica, Andrew Olson, Mark Linzer, Gordon D Schiff
5 May 2023
Validation of a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antibody test in general practiceJulie Domen, Jan Yvan Jos Verbakel, Niels Adriaenssens, Beatrice Scholtes, Bart Peeters, Robin Bruyndonckx, An De Sutter, Stefan Heytens, Ann Van den Bruel, Isabelle Desombere, Pierre Van Damme, Herman Goossens, Laetitia Buret, Els Duysburgh, Samuel Coenen
2 May 2023