
Showing results 1 - 10 of 100

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Cross-sectional evaluation of host biomarkers for guiding antibiotic use in bacterial and non-bacterial acute febrile illness in low- and middle-income tropical settings
B Leticia Fernandez-Carballo, Michele Atzeni, Camille Escadafal, Martina Vettoretti, Steffen Geis, Selidji Todagbe Agnandji, Andre M Siqueira, Jullita Kenala Malava, Louis Banda, Anita L Kabwende, Ayodele Alabi, Juste Christin Bie Ondo, Marguerite Massinga-Loembe, Paulin N Essone, José MoreiraSee the full list of authors

13 February 2025

plaTform fOr Urinary tract infection diagnostiC evAluatioN (TOUCAN): a protocol for a prospective diagnostic accuracy study of point-of-care testing in patients suspected of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection in primary care clinics in England
Philip J Turner, Thomas R Fanshawe, Jane Freeman, Margaret Glogowska, Alastair D Hay, Nicola Kenealy, Owain Llion, Rebecca Lowe, Mark Lown, Michael Moore, Valerie Tate, Mark H Wilcox, Mandy Wootton, Christopher C Butler, Gail N Hayward

30 January 2025

Triage test for all-oral drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) regimen: a phase IV study to assess effectiveness, feasibility, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of the Xpert MTB/XDR assay for rapid triage and treatment of DR-TB
Kogieleum Naidoo, Anushka Naidoo, Alash'le G Abimiku, Everdina W Tiemersma, Agnes Gebhard, Sabine M Hermans, Derek J Sloan, Morten Ruhwald, Sophia B Georghiou, Evaezi Okpokoro, Aderonke Agbaje, Kalkidan Yae, Getachew Tollera, Shewki Moga, Hannelise FeytSee the full list of authors

27 November 2024