
Showing results 81 - 90 of 100

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REKOVER study protocol: a pRospective patient treatment rEgistry of tramadol and dexKetoprofen trometamol oral fixed-dose combination (SKUDEXA) in mOderate to seVere acutE pain in Real-world setting in Asia
Kok Yuen Ho, Bibek Gyanwali, Cesar Dimayuga, Edgar Michael Eufemio, Edwin Bernardo, Gopinathan Raju, Keen Wai Chong, Kritsadakorn Waithayayothin, Leonardo Ona, Marc Anthony L Castro, Passakorn Sawaddiruk, Roehl C Salvador, Sharifah Ahmad Roohi, Suwimon Tangwiwat, Vajara WilairatanaSee the full list of authors

19 March 2024