
Showing results 1 - 10 of 100

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Little Journey: a phase III randomised controlled trial of a psychological preparation and education smartphone application for management of paediatric perioperative anxiety compared with standard care in children undergoing ambulatory surgery – study protocol
Christopher Evans, Georgia Bercades, Gareth Ambler, Matthew Wilson, Chris Brew-Graves, Cinzia Baldini, Nazma Begum-Ali, Norman R Williams, Mark Emberton, Matthew Fenton, Daisy Fancourt, Mohini Samani, Monty Mythen, Suneetha Ramani Moonesinghe

26 February 2025

Multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled clinical trial comparing intermittent cefoxitin administration versus loading bolus followed by continuous infusion for the prevention of surgical site infection in colorectal surgery: the PROPHYLOXITIN study protocol
Quentin Saint-Genis, Julien Birckener, Vincent Gourdou, Claire Nicolle, Marc Garnier, Victor Schwindenhammer, Cécile Hannezo, Christophe Aveline, Raphaël Cinotti, Benjamin Puisney, Matthias Garot, Stéphanie Chevalier, Jean-Sébastien Aubert, Maxime Wodey, Sigismond LasockiSee the full list of authors

28 January 2025