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Sports and exercise medicine

Showing results 11 - 20 of 100

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Effects of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous training on ambulatory blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes in older adults with hypertension (HEXA Study): study protocol for a randomised trial
Francisco Dalton-Alves, Maria Beatriz F Araújo, Bruno Erick B Lucena, Gabriel C Souto, Daniele Samara D Lopes, Maria Isabel S Lucena, Raíssa de Melo Silva, Ludmila L P Cabral, Yuri A Freire, Fabíola L Golveia, Telma Maria Araújo Lemos, Rodrigo A V Browne, Eduardo Caldas Costa

20 December 2024

Saving Legs & Lives: the efficacy of a community-based cardiovascular rehabilitation programme versus usual care on exercise capacity and quality of life in patients who have undergone lower limb revascularisation for peripheral arterial disease—protocol for a single-centre randomised-controlled trial
Krist Feka, Pankaj Jha, Michelle Aust, Joseph J. Scott, Mia Schaumberg, Tony Stanton, Christopher D. Askew, Saving Legs & Lives Trial Group, , Saving Legs & Lives Trial Group, Kim Greaves, Norman Morris, Fraser D. Russell, Meegan A. Walker, Mathew J. SummersSee the full list of authors

5 December 2024