Do adult obesity rates in England vary by insecurity as well as by inequality? An ecological cross-sectional studyStanley J Ulijaszek
13 May 2014
Positive and negative reasons for sickness presenteeism in Norway and Sweden: a cross-sectional surveyVegard Johansen, Gunnar Aronsson, Staffan Marklund
12 February 2014
Analysis of the bereavement effect after the death of a spouse in the Amish: a population-based retrospective cohort studyAri Seifter, Sarabdeep Singh, Patrick F McArdle, Kathleen A Ryan,
Alan R Shuldiner, Braxton D Mitchell, Alejandro A Schäffer
15 January 2014
Migrants Examined for Determinants of psychopathology through INternet Assessment (MEDINA) study: a cross-sectional study among visitors of an Internet communityMadelien Hermina van de Beek, Lian van der Krieke, Robert Anton Schoevers
2 January 2014
Factors influencing trust in doctors: a community segmentation strategy for quality improvement in healthcareVijayaprasad Gopichandran, Satish Kumar Chetlapalli
2 December 2013
Chronic health conditions and poverty: a cross-sectional study using a multidimensional poverty measureEmily J Callander, Deborah J Schofield, Rupendra N Shrestha
27 November 2013
How can socioeconomic inequalities in hospital admissions be explained? A cohort studyGerry McCartney, Carole Hart, Graham Watt
30 August 2013
Protocol for a qualitative study of knowledge translation in a participatory research projectIda Lillehagen, Nina Vøllestad, Kristin Heggen, Eivind Engebretsen
19 August 2013
Design of an instrument to measure alcohol-related psychosocial influences in the development of norms among 13-year-old to 17-year-old adolescentsJanina Hildebrand, Bruce Maycock, Sharyn Burns, Yun Zhao, Steve Allsop, Peter Howat, Roanna Lobo
19 August 2013
Does access to neighbourhood green space promote a healthy duration of sleep? Novel findings from a cross-sectional study of 259 319 AustraliansThomas Astell-Burt, Xiaoqi Feng, Gregory S Kolt
13 August 2013