Smoking-related behaviour changes among Korean men after the 2015 tobacco price increase: assessing the implications for the tobacco endgame using a reconstructed retrospective cohort studySeulgi Kim, Sung-il Cho
4 January 2022
Smoking prevention in adolescents: a cross-sectional and qualitative evaluation of a newly implemented prevention program in SwitzerlandAndrea Meienberg, Michael Mayr, Annina Vischer, Michael J Zellweger, Thilo Burkard
30 December 2021
Estimating the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes in South Africa using the Deaton approachChengetai Dare, Micheal Kofi Boachie, Ernest Ngeh Tingum, S M Abdullah, Corné van Walbeek
17 December 2021
Cross-sectional study examining the accuracy of self-reported smoking status as compared to urinary cotinine levels among workers at risk for chronic kidney disease of unknown origin in GuatemalaJaime Butler-Dawson, Joaquin Barnoya, Stephen Brindley, Lyndsay Krisher, Wenyi Fan, Claudia Asensio, Lee S Newman
25 October 2021
Cigarette prices in eight sub-Saharan African countries in 2018: a cross-sectional analysisKiara Chang, Emily Mayne, Anthony A Laverty, Israel Agaku, Filippos T Filippidis
7 October 2021
Prevalence, duration of exposure and predicting factors for snus use among young Finnish men: a cross-sectional studyMaria Danielsson, Tarja Tanner, Pertti Patinen, Dowen Birkhed, Vuokko Anttonen, Anelma Lammi, Simo Siitonen, Jukka Ollgren, Liisa Pylkkänen, Tuula Vasankari
14 September 2021
International expert consensus on electronic nicotine delivery systems and heated tobacco products: a Delphi surveyIvan Berlin, Isabelle Jacot-Sadowski, Jean-Paul Humair, Jacques Cornuz
7 September 2021
Occupational difference in use of heated tobacco products: a cross-sectional analysis of retail workers in JapanEnkhtuguldur Myagmar-Ochir, Makiko Kaneko, Kiyomi Tomiyama, Masayoshi Zaitsu, Shuichi Watanabe, Yoshitaka Nishino, Kyo Takahashi, Yasuo Haruyama, Gen Kobashi
24 August 2021
E-cigarette advertising exposure among South African adults in 2017: findings from a nationally representative cross-sectional surveyIsrael Terungwa Agaku, Catherine O Egbe, Olalekan A Ayo-Yusuf
16 August 2021
Preoperative contingency management intervention for smoking abstinence in cancer patients: trial protocol for a multisite randomised controlled trialAlana M Rojewski, Lisa M Fucito, Nathaniel L Baker, Amanda M Palmer, Madeline G Foster, Graham W Warren, Steven L Bernstein, Benjamin A Toll
29 June 2021