Risk factors and biomarkers for post-tuberculosis lung damage in a Chinese cohort of male smokers and non-smokers: protocol for a prospective observational studyXiaoyan Gai, Wenli Cao, Yafei Rao, Lin Zeng, Wei Xu, Haifeng Wu, Gen Li, Yongchang Sun
9 October 2023
Shufeng Jiedu capsule for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a protocol of multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialRuyu Xia, Yutong Fei, Lishan Zhang, Zhijun Jie, Xiaoyun Fan, Mengyuan Dai, Michael Moore, Merlin Willcox, Xiaoyang Hu, Nick Francis, Changhao Liang, Guanghe Fei, Jianping Liu
29 September 2023
Observational cohort study to validate SEARCH, a novel hierarchical algorithm to define long-term outcomes after pulmonary embolismTimothy A Morris, Timothy M Fernandes, Jina Chung, Janine R E Vintch, W Cameron McGuire, Suman Thapamagar, Mona Alotaibi, Savannah Aries, Khadizhat Dakaeva
28 September 2023
Epidemiological features and temporal trends of HIV-negative tuberculosis burden from 1990 to 2019: a retrospective analysis based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019Yuqian Chen, Jin Liu, Qianqian Zhang, Qingting Wang, Limin Chai, Huan Chen, Danyang Li, Yuanjie Qiu, Yan Wang, Nirui Shen, Jian Wang, Xinming Xie, Shaojun Li, Manxiang Li
28 September 2023
Prevalence and phenotypic trajectories of hypoxaemia among hospitalised adults in Kenya: a single-centre, prospective cohort studyNeelima Navuluri, David K Lagat, Elcy Birgen, Sylvia Kitur, Peter S Kussin, David M Murdoch, Nathan M Thielman, Alice Parish, Cynthia L Green, Neil MacIntyre, Joseph R Egger, Kara Wools-Kaloustian, Loretta G Que
18 September 2023
Perception and clinical practice regarding mucus clearance devices with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study of healthcare providers in Saudi ArabiaSaeed Mardy Alghamdi, Abdulaziz Alzahrani, Yousef M Alshahrani, Abdulhadi A Al Ruwaithi, Abdulelah Mastour Aldhahir, Abdullah S Alsulayyim, Rayan A Siraj, Abdulelah H Almansour, Ali M Alasmari, Jaber S Alqahtani, Abdullah M Alanazi, Siraj T Jaishi, Badr A Allehyani, Nicholas S Hopkinson
14 September 2023
Development and validation of a product acceptability questionnaire for intranasal Q-Griffithsin COVID-19 prophylaxis (SPRAY PAL)Elizabeth Cash, Kailyn Deitz, Kevin L Potts, Henry W Nabeta, Maryam Zahin, Shesh N Rai, Gerald W Dryden, Kenneth E Palmer
12 September 2023
Year-to-year trajectories of hospital utilisation rates among patients with COPD: a real-world, single-centre, retrospective cohort studyAnthony Yii, Xiaomeng Xu, Chee Hong Loh, Priti Bahety, Aldo Amador Navarro Rojas, Dominique Milea, Augustine Tee
1 September 2023
Comparison of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training in pulmonary rehabilitation for interstitial lung disease: a randomised controlled pilot feasibility trialDimitra Nikoletou, Irina Chis Ster, Carmen Y Lech, Iain S MacNaughton, Felix Chua, Raminder Aul, Paul W Jones
22 August 2023
Effect of monitoring adherence to regular inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) alone or in combination with a long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) using electronic methods on asthma outcomes: a narrative systematic reviewMohammed Almutairi, John F Marriott, Adel Mansur
16 August 2023