Transition from rehabilitation hospital to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for people with brain injury and spinal cord injury: a data linkage protocolSimon Andrew John Guthrie, Tara Alexander, Leonie Tickle, Di Winkler, John Ernest Walsh
19 August 2024
Study protocol: effects of exercise booster sessions on preservation of exercise-induced adaptations in persons with multiple sclerosis, a multicentre randomised controlled trial—the MS BOOSTER trialLaurits Taul-Madsen, Lars G Hvid, Finn Sellebjerg, Jeppe Romme Christensen, Rikke Ratzer, Tobias Sejbæk, Kristina Bacher Svendsen, Viktoria Papp, Helene Højsgaard Chow, Jesper Lundbye-Jensen, Helen Dawes, Ulrik Dalgas
17 August 2024
Efficacy of Qigong Baduanjin on nutritional status and quality of life in patients on haemodialysis: study protocol for a prospective randomised controlled trialJiayue Zhou, Shouci Hu, Xiang Zhang, Cong Xia, Songyan Wan, Xiuyan Yang, Yajuan Yu, Han Chen, Hongbo Chen
17 August 2024
Effects of the intermittent theta burst stimulation on gait, balance and lower limbs motor function in stroke: study protocol for a double-blind randomised controlled trial with multimodal neuroimaging assessmentsGuilan Huang, Hewei Wang, WeiWei Zhao, Yao Qian, Yu Yao, Li Zhang, Yating Chen, Lianxin Song, Jinyu Yang, Zhichao Liu, Bin Su, Limin Sun
6 August 2024
Protocol for a randomised controlled unblinded feasibility trial of HD-DRUM: a rhythmic movement training application for cognitive and motor symptoms in people with Huntington’s diseaseVasileios Ioakeimidis, Monica Busse, Cheney J G Drew, Philip Pallmann, Guy B Watson, Derek Jones, Marco Palombo, Robin Schubert, Anne E Rosser, Claudia Metzler-Baddeley
31 July 2024
Effectiveness of a physiotherapy self-management programme for adult patients with chronic non-specific low back pain in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysisSergant Given Motha, Niri Naidoo, Maureen Moyo-Chilufya, Alfred Musekiwa, Kabelo Kgarosi, Karien Mostert
31 July 2024
Boosting enjoyment and social inclusion to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour among older adults: protocol for a feasibility study to test the JOIN4JOY approach in five European countriesLaura Coll-Planas, Andrea Fuente-Vidal, Javier Jerez-Roig, Erika Karkauskienė, Montse Romero-Mas, Aimar Intxaurrondo, Paolo Caserotti, Mathias Skjødt, Dhayana Dallmeier, Guillaume Lefebvre, Lucie Bassinah, Dolores Forgione, Ricard Castro, Eduard Minobes-Molina, Carles Parés-MartínezSee the full list of authors
27 July 2024
Perceptions of advice for acute low back pain: a content analysis of qualitative data collected in a randomised experimentLidiya Augustine, Joshua Zadro, Christopher Maher, Adrian C Traeger, Caitlin Jones, Courtney A West, Jingjing Yang, Mary O'Keeffe, Hazel Jenkins, James H McAuley, Giovanni E Ferreira
23 July 2024
Effects of a web application based on multimedia animations to support therapeutic exercise for rotator cuff-related shoulder pain: protocol for an open-label randomised controlled trialIrene Pérez-Porta, Mariano Tomás Flórez-García, Fernando García-Pérez, Rubén Fernández-Matías, M Ángeles Pérez-Manzanero, Aurora María Araujo-Narváez, M Alicia Urraca-Gesto, César Fernández-Lagarejos, Gustavo Plaza-Manzano, Elia Pérez-Fernández, María Velasco-Arribas
22 July 2024
Effectiveness of an institution-based adapted physical activity programme versus a home-based self-management programme for chronic poststroke adults: protocol for a randomised controlled studyEtienne Satger, Nicolas Prieur-Blanc, Jean-Michel Viton, Pascal Auquier, Laurent Bensoussan, Maëva Cotinat
20 July 2024