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Rehabilitation medicine

Showing results 71 - 80 of 100

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Boosting enjoyment and social inclusion to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour among older adults: protocol for a feasibility study to test the JOIN4JOY approach in five European countries
Laura Coll-Planas, Andrea Fuente-Vidal, Javier Jerez-Roig, Erika Karkauskienė, Montse Romero-Mas, Aimar Intxaurrondo, Paolo Caserotti, Mathias Skjødt, Dhayana Dallmeier, Guillaume Lefebvre, Lucie Bassinah, Dolores Forgione, Ricard Castro, Eduard Minobes-Molina, Carles Parés-MartínezSee the full list of authors

27 July 2024