Probability of receiving a high cumulative radiation dose and primary clinical indication of CT examinations: a 5-year observational cohort studyCécile R L P N Jeukens, Hub Boere, Bart A J M Wagemans, Patty J Nelemans, Estelle C Nijssen, Rebecca Smith-Bindman, Joachim E Wildberger, Anna M Sailer
17 January 2021
Retrospective comparison of approaches to evaluating inter-observer variability in CT tumour measurements in an academic health centreMinJae Woo, Moonseong Heo, A Michael Devane, Steven C Lowe, Ronald W Gimbel
14 November 2020
Ultrasound imaging in patients with hip pain and suspected hip osteoarthritis: an inter-rater and intra-rater reliability studyStine Clausen, Søren Kjær, Ulrich Fredberg, Lene Terslev, Jan Hartvigsen, Bodil Arnbak
5 November 2020
Carotid artery stiffness in rural adult Chinese: a cross-sectional analysis of the community-based China stroke cohort studyYao Wei, Ming Wang, Yang Gui, Xuemei Piao, Conghui Sun, Xuehe Zhang, Feifei Zhai, Yicheng Zhu, Liying Cui, Shuyang Zhang, Qing Dai, Meng Yang
20 October 2020
Can extranodal tumour deposits be diagnosed on MRI? Protocol for a multicentre clinical trial (the COMET trial)Amy C Lord, Brendan Moran, Muti Abulafi, Shahnawaz Rasheed, Iris D Nagtegaal, Monica Terlizzo, Gina Brown
7 October 2020
MRI for measuring therapy efficiency after revascularisation in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-regression analysisBenjamin Kendziora, Heli Stier, Peter Schlattmann, Marc Dewey
28 September 2020
Using structural and functional MRI as a neuroimaging technique to investigate chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalopathy: a systematic reviewBasim Almutairi, Christelle Langley, Esther Crawley, Ngoc Jade Thai
30 August 2020
Qualitative study to explore radiologist and radiologic technologist perceptions of outcomes patients experience during imaging in the USAMonica Zigman Suchsland, Maria Jessica Cruz, Victoria Hardy, Jeffrey Jarvik, Gianna McMillan, Anne Brittain, Matthew Thompson
20 July 2020
Addition of arterial spin-labelled MR perfusion to conventional brain MRI: clinical experience in a retrospective cohort studyPuneet Belani, Shingo Kihira, Felipe Pacheco, Puneet Pawha, Giuseppe Cruciata, Kambiz Nael
11 June 2020
Study protocol for an exploratory interventional study investigating the feasibility of video-based non-contact physiological monitoring in healthy volunteers by Mapping Of Lower Limb skIn pErfusion (MOLLIE)Mirae Harford, Carlos Areia, Mauricio Villarroel, Joao Jorge, Eoin Finnegan, Shaun Davidson, Adam Mahdi, Duncan Young, Lionel Tarassenko, Peter J Watkinson
11 June 2020