Cross-sectional comparisons of sodium content in processed meat and fish products among five countries: potential for feasible targets and reformulationYuzhu Song, Yuan Li, Chunlei Guo, Yishan Wang, Liping Huang, Monique Tan, Feng J He, Terry Harris, Graham A MacGregor, Jingmin Ding, Le Dong, Yu Liu, Huijun Wang, Puhong Zhang, Yuxia Ma
14 October 2021
How many infants may have died in low-income and middle-income countries in 2020 due to the economic contraction accompanying the COVID-19 pandemic? Mortality projections based on forecasted declines in economic growthGil Shapira, Damien de Walque, Jed Friedman
23 September 2021
International expert consensus on electronic nicotine delivery systems and heated tobacco products: a Delphi surveyIvan Berlin, Isabelle Jacot-Sadowski, Jean-Paul Humair, Jacques Cornuz
7 September 2021
Loss of height predicts total and cardiovascular mortality: a cohort study of northern European womenSofia Klingberg, Kirsten Mehlig, Rojina Dangol, Cecilia Björkelund, Berit Lilienthal Heitmann, Lauren Lissner
9 August 2021
Systematic review of academic bullying in medical settings: dynamics and consequencesTauben Averbuch, Yousif Eliya, Harriette Gillian Christine Van Spall
12 July 2021
Lessons from countries implementing find, test, trace, isolation and support policies in the rapid response of the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic reviewSheng-Chia Chung, Sushila Marlow, Nicholas Tobias, Alessio Alogna, Ivano Alogna, San-Lin You, Kamlesh Khunti, Martin McKee, Susan Michie, Deenan Pillay
29 June 2021
Sibling rank and sibling number in relation to cardiovascular disease and mortality risk: a nationwide cohort studyPeter M Nilsson, Jan Sundquist, Kristina Sundquist, Xinjun Li
25 May 2021
COVID-19 health and social care access for autistic people: European policy reviewBethany Oakley, Julian Tillmann, Amber Ruigrok, Aurélie Baranger, Christian Takow, Tony Charman, Emily Jones, James Cusack, Mary Doherty, Pierre Violland, Agnieszka Wroczyńska, Emily Simonoff, Jan K Buitelaar, Louise Gallagher, Declan G M MurphySee the full list of authors
17 May 2021
Prescription medications for sleep disturbances among midlife women during 2 years of follow-up: a SWAN retrospective cohort studyDaniel H Solomon, Kristine Ruppert, Laurel A Habel, Joel S Finkelstein, Pam Lian, Hadine Joffe, Howard M Kravitz
11 May 2021
High-dose electronic media use in five-year-olds and its association with their psychosocial symptoms: a cohort studyJanette Niiranen, Olli Kiviruusu, Riitta Vornanen, Outi Saarenpää-Heikkilä, E Juulia Paavonen
17 March 2021