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Nutrition and metabolism

Showing results 61 - 70 of 100

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Protocol for a multicentre cross-sectional, longitudinal ambulatory clinical trial in rheumatoid arthritis and Parkinson’s disease patients analysing the relation between the gut microbiome, fasting and immune status in Germany (ExpoBiome)
Bérénice Hansen, Cédric C Laczny, Velma T E Aho, Audrey Frachet-Bour, Janine Habier, Marek Ostaszewski, Andreas Michalsen, Etienne Hanslian, Daniela A Koppold, Anika M Hartmann, Nico Steckhan, Brit Mollenhauer, Sebastian Schade, Kirsten Roomp, Jochen G SchneiderSee the full list of authors

18 August 2023