Medical management

Showing results 41 - 50 of 100

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Prospective randomised trial examining the impact of an educational intervention versus usual care on anticoagulation therapy control based on an SAMe-TTR score-guided strategy in anticoagulant-naïve Thai patients with atrial fibrillation (TREATS-AF): a study protocol
Arintaya Phrommintikul, Surakit Nathisuwan, Siriluck Gunaparn, Rungroj Krittayaphong, Wanwarang Wongcharoen, Sukhi Sehmi, Samir Mehta, Neil Winkles, Peter Brocklehurst, Jonathan Mathers, Sue Jowett, Kate Jolly, Deirdre Lane, G Neil Thomas, Gregory Y H LipSee the full list of authors

11 October 2021