Early primary care physician contact and health service utilisation in a large sample of recently released ex-prisoners in Australia: prospective cohort studyJesse T Young, Diane Arnold-Reed, David Preen, Max Bulsara, Nick Lennox, Stuart A Kinner
11 June 2015
The impact of complaints procedures on the welfare, health and clinical practise of 7926 doctors in the UK: a cross-sectional surveyTom Bourne, Laure Wynants, Mike Peters, Chantal Van Audenhove, Dirk Timmerman, Ben Van Calster, Maria Jalmbrant
15 January 2015
Understanding the impacts of care farms on health and well-being of disadvantaged populations: a protocol of the Evaluating Community Orders (ECO) pilot studyH Elsey, R Bragg, M Elings, J E Cade, C Brennan, T Farragher, S Tubeuf, R Gold, D Shickle, N Wickramasekera, Z Richardson, J Murray
30 October 2014
The epidemiology of malpractice claims in primary care: a systematic reviewE Wallace, J Lowry, S M Smith, T Fahey
18 July 2013
Characteristics of paid malpractice claims settled in and out of court in the USA: a retrospective analysisJessica B Rubin, Tara F Bishop
6 June 2013
A prospective cohort study of the changing mental health needs of adolescents in custodyCharlotte Lennox, Vicky Bell, Kate O'Malley, Jenny Shaw, Mairead Dolan
9 March 2013
A new stratified risk assessment tool for whiplash injuries developed from a prospective observational studyHelge Kasch, Alice Kongsted, Erisela Qerama, Flemming W Bach, Tom Bendix, Troels Staehelin Jensen
30 January 2013
Improper cause-of-death statements by specialty of certifying physician: a cross-sectional study in two medical centres in TaiwanTain-Junn Cheng, Fang-Chuan Lee, Shio-Jean Lin, Tsung-Hsueh Lu
31 July 2012
Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake and huge tsunami on glycaemic control and blood pressure in patients with diabetes mellitusSusumu Ogawa, Mikihito Ishiki, Kazuhiro Nako, Masashi Okamura, Miho Senda, Takuya Sakamoto, Sadayoshi Ito
13 April 2012
Criminality in men with Klinefelter's syndrome and XYY syndrome: a cohort studyKirstine Stochholm, Anders Bojesen, Anne Skakkebæk Jensen, Svend Juul, Claus Højbjerg Gravholt
22 February 2012