Meibomian gland dysfunction and primary Sjögren’s syndrome dry eye: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysisChangyan Zi, Qun Huang, Yuan Ren, Huan Yao, Tingting He, Yongxiang Gao
30 December 2021
Defining CD4 T helper and T regulatory cell endotypes of progressive and remitting pulmonary sarcoidosis (BRITE): protocol for a US-based, multicentre, longitudinal observational bronchoscopy studyLaura L Koth, Laura D Harmacek, Elizabeth K White, Nicholas Kostandinos Arger, Linda Powers, Brenda R Werner, Roman E Magallon, Pineet Grewal, Briana Q Barkes, Li Li, May Gillespie, Sarah E Collins, Jessica Cardenas, Edward S Chen, Lisa A MaierSee the full list of authors
9 November 2021
Safety and effectiveness of dose-sparing strategies for intramuscular seasonal influenza vaccine: a rapid scoping reviewCarole Lunny, Jesmin Antony, Patricia Rios, Chantal Williams, Naveeta Ramkissoon, Sharon E Straus, Andrea C Tricco
17 September 2021
Sibship size, birth order and risk of asthma and allergy: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysisDaniil Lisik, Athina Ioannidou, Gregorio Milani, Sungkutu Nyassi, Saliha Selin Özuygur Ermis, Giulia C I Spolidoro, Emma Goksör, Göran Wennergren, Bright I Nwaru
23 August 2021
House dust mite (HDM) and storage mite (SM) molecular sensitisation profiles and association with clinical outcomes in allergic asthma and rhinitis: protocol for a systematic reviewFilipa Matos-Semedo, Cíntia Cruz, Filipe Inácio, Jorge M R Gama, Bright I Nwaru, Luís Taborda-Barata
26 July 2021
Study protocol of a phase 2, dual-centre, randomised, controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of probiotic and egg oral immunotherapy at inducing desensitisation or sustained unresponsiveness (remission) in participants with egg allergy compared with placebo (Probiotic Egg Allergen Oral Immunotherapy for Treatment of Egg Allergy: PEAT study)Paxton Loke, Adriana Chebar Lozinsky, Francesca Orsini, Lydia Su-Yin Wong, Agnes Sze-Yin Leung, Elizabeth Huiwen Tham, Andreas L Lopata, Lynette Pei-Chi Shek, Mimi LK Tang, , PEAT study team, Ee-Lyn Su, Marnie Robinson, Dean Tey, Julie BelousoffSee the full list of authors
7 July 2021
OPTIMUM study protocol: an adaptive randomised controlled trial of a mixed whole-cell/acellular pertussis vaccine scheduleGladymar Perez Chacon, Marie J Estcourt, James Totterdell, Dianne E Campbell, Kirsten P Perrett, Julie A Marsh, Peter C Richmond, Nicholas Wood, Michael S Gold, Patrick G Holt, Claire S Waddington, Thomas L Snelling
17 December 2020
Intraoperative visualisation and treatment of salivary glands in Sjögren’s syndrome by contrast-enhanced ultrasound sialendoscopy (CEUSS): protocol for a phase I single-centre, single-arm, exploratory studyK Hakki Karagozoglu, Marco Helder, Joseph Bot, Otto Kamp, Tim Forouzanfar, Henk S Brand, Seunghee Cha, Gary Weisman, Imke Bartelink, Arjan Vissink, Derk Hendrik Jan Jager
30 September 2020
Study protocol of a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of probiotic and peanut oral immunotherapy (PPOIT) in inducing desensitisation or tolerance in children with peanut allergy compared with oral immunotherapy (OIT) alone and with placebo (the PPOIT-003 study)Adriana Chebar Lozinsky, Paxton Loke, Francesca Orsini, Michael O’Sullivan, Susan L. Prescott, Michael S Gold, Patrick Quinn, Audrey DunnGalvin, Mimi LK Tang, , on behalf of the PPOIT study team, Anne-Louise Ponsoby, Ee Lyn Su, Marnie Robinson, Dean TeySee the full list of authors
9 September 2020
Study protocol for the international Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Prospective Observational Cohort Study (SPOCS): understanding lupus and the role of type I interferon gene signatureEdward R Hammond, Raj Tummala, Anna Berglind, Farhat Syed, Xia Wang, Barnabas Desta, Henk Nab
1 September 2020