Medication prescription profile and hospital admission related to medication administration errors in England and Wales: an ecological studyOudai Amjad Al Shoaraa, Sami Qadus, Abdallah Y Naser
19 November 2023
What works for and what hinders deimplementation of low-value care in emergency medicine practice? A scoping reviewVinay Gangathimmaiah, Natalie Drever, Rebecca Evans, Nishila Moodley, Tarun Sen Gupta, Magnolia Cardona, Karen Carlisle
9 November 2023
Ukraine Trauma Project: the feasibility of introducing advanced trauma-care skills to frontline emergency medical services respondersGerard Bury, Christopher Fitzpatrick, Bernard Heron, Walter Cullen, Eithne Scully, Kateryna Kachurets, Lyudmyla Zacharchenko
9 November 2023
Evaluation of the priority primary care centre program to reduce emergency department burden in regional Victoria, Australia: a mixed-method studyMadison Frith, Sean Randall, Feby Savira, Jamie Swann, Naomi White, Andrew Giddy, Kirsty McLean, Anna Peeters, Suzanne Robinson
9 November 2023
Interventions to reduce interpersonal stigma towards patients with a mental dysregulation for ambulance and emergency department healthcare professionals: review protocol for an integrative reviewGeurt Van de Glind, Niek Galenkamp, Nienke Bleijenberg, Lisette Schoonhoven, Floortje E Scheepers, Julia Crilly, Mark van Veen, Wietske H W Ham
2 November 2023
Can video communication in the emergency medical communication centre improve dispatch precision? A before–after study in Norwegian helicopter emergency medical servicesOle Erik Ulvin, Eivinn Årdal Skjærseth, Andreas J Krüger, Kjetil Thorsen, Trond Nordseth, Helge Haugland
29 October 2023
Incidence, demographics and outcomes of patients with penetrating injury: a Japanese nationwide 10-year retrospective studyTsuyoshi Nagao, Chiaki Toida, Naoto Morimura
28 October 2023
Clinical use of an emergency manual by resuscitation teams and impact on performance in the emergency department: a prospective mixed-methods study protocolEric Dryver, Pontus Olsson de Capretz, Mohammed Mohammad, Malin Armelin, William D. Dupont, Anders Bergenfelz, Ulf Ekelund
17 October 2023
Factors affecting do-not-attempt-resuscitation (DNAR) decisions among adult patients in the emergency department of a general tertiary teaching hospital in China: a retrospective observational studyChao-Lan Wang, Yang Liu, Yu-Lei Gao, Qing-Song Li, Yan-Cun Liu, Yan-Fen Chai
10 October 2023
What is the existing evidence base for adult medical same day emergency care in UK NHS hospitals? A scoping review protocolSue Dean, Julian Barratt
4 October 2023