Does mandibular bone structure predict subsequent height loss? A longitudinal cohort study of women in Gothenburg, SwedenNivetha Natarajan Gavriilidou, Grethe Jonasson, Valter Sundh, Elisabet Rothenberg, Lauren Lissner
4 July 2023
Photobiomodulation and glass ionomer sealant as complementary treatment for hypersensitivity in molar incisor hypomineralisation in children: protocol for a blinded randomised clinical trialAna Laura Fossati, Ana Paula Taboada Sobral, María Laura Laura Hermida Bruno, Natalia Osorio Viarengo, María Roxana Ferreira Sertaje, Elaine Marcilio Santos, Marcela Letícia Leal Gonçalves, Raquel Agnelli Mesquita Ferrari, Kristianne Porta Santos Fernandes, Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana, Lara Jansiski Motta, Sandra Kalil Bussadori
14 June 2023
Primary caregivers’ perceptions of factors influencing preschool children’s oral health: social practices perspective—a protocol for qualitative metasynthesisIvana Matic Girard, Paul Ward, Angela Durey, Stephan Lund, Hanny Calache, Sarah R Baker, Linda Slack-Smith
11 April 2023
Association between periodontitis and hypertension: cross-sectional survey from the Fourth National Oral Health Survey of China (2015–2016)Yalin Zhan, Jian Jiao, Wudi Jing, Xiping Feng, Baojun Tai, Deyu Hu, Huan-cai Lin, Bo Wang, Chunxiao Wang, Shuguo Zheng, Xuenan Liu, Wensheng Rong, Weijian Wang, Xing Wang, Yan SiSee the full list of authors
27 March 2023
Interaction of Systemic Morbidity and Oral Health in Ambulatory Patients in Need of Home Care (InSEMaP): an observational study at the sector boundary between dental and general practice care in GermanyThomas Zimmermann, Alena Koenig, Sarah Porzelt, Petra Schmage, Claudia Konnopka, Stefanie Schellhammer, Anja Behrens-Potratz, Edelqueen Ijeoma Okoro, Espen Henken, Peter Stratmeyer, Thomas Beikler, Hans-Helmut König, Martin Scherer, Alexander Konnopka
13 March 2023
Policymakers’ perceived barriers and facilitators in the use of research evidence in oral health policies and guidelines: a qualitative study protocolFrancisca Verdugo-Paiva, Xavier Bonfill, Duniel Ortuño, Michael Glick, Alonso Carrasco-Labra
24 February 2023
Modified pulpotomy procedure in immature permanent teeth with apical periodontitis: a randomised controlled trialWen Xiao, Zhengbing Chi, Wentao Shi, Jun Wang
29 December 2022
Efficacy of probiotics in the management of halitosis: a systematic review and meta-analysisNengwen Huang, Jinjin Li, Xianghe Qiao, Yongzhi Wu, Yunkun Liu, Chenzhou Wu, Longjiang Li
20 December 2022
Association of oral health knowledge, self-efficacy and behaviours with oral health-related quality of life in Chinese primary school children: a cross-sectional studyJie Zhao, Hongyan Shi, Jingya Wang, Rui Huang, Yongyi Liu, Yuxin Zhang, Nan Jiang, Ting Wang, Jiwei Wang, Xiaoming Xu
15 December 2022
Efficacy of periodontal soft tissue augmentation prior to orthodontic treatment on preventing gingival recession: study protocol for a randomised controlled trialJing Chen, Jiashu Lv, Fan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Yuhui Wang, Yichen Xu, Yichen Pan, Qiang Li
13 December 2022