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Dentistry and oral medicine

Showing results 31 - 40 of 100

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Photobiomodulation and glass ionomer sealant as complementary treatment for hypersensitivity in molar incisor hypomineralisation in children: protocol for a blinded randomised clinical trial
Ana Laura Fossati, Ana Paula Taboada Sobral, María Laura Laura Hermida Bruno, Natalia Osorio Viarengo, María Roxana Ferreira Sertaje, Elaine Marcilio Santos, Marcela Letícia Leal Gonçalves, Raquel Agnelli Mesquita Ferrari, Kristianne Porta Santos Fernandes, Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana, Lara Jansiski Motta, Sandra Kalil Bussadori

14 June 2023