Distribution of intranasal naloxone to potential opioid overdose bystanders in Sweden: effects on overdose mortality in a full region-wide studyAnders Håkansson, Marianne Alanko Blomé, Pernilla Isendahl, Maria Landgren, Ulf Malmqvist, Katja Troberg
3 January 2024
Does offering small financial incentives to smokers at the time of being wait-listed for surgery increase smoking cessation by the day of surgery? A randomised feasibility trialAshley Webb, Lisa Coward, Michael Yousef, Alexandra Karamesinis, Samuel Leong
28 December 2023
Assessing the risk of COVID-19 reinfection and severe outcomes among individuals with substance use disorders: a retrospective study using real-world electronic health recordsWen-Jan Tuan, Hailey M Kindt, Robert P Lennon
10 December 2023
Patients’ perspectives on tapering programmes for prescription opioid use disorder: a qualitative studyLisa Eveline Maria Davies, Ellen S Koster, Katinka FM Damen, Harmen Beurmanjer, Vivienne WT van Dam, Marcel L Bouvy, Arnt FA Schellekens
9 December 2023
Dynamic changes in methadone utilisation for opioid use disorder treatment: a retrospective observational study during the COVID-19 pandemicAmy L Kennalley, Jessica L Fanelli, John A Furst, Nicholas J Mynarski, Margaret A Jarvis, Stephanie D Nichols, Kenneth L McCall, Brian J Piper
16 November 2023
Investigating the associations of age of initiation and other psychosocial factors of singular alcohol, tobacco and marijuana usage on polysubstance use: analysis of a population-based survey in JamaicaKunal Lalwani, Patrice Whitehorne-Smith, Joni-Gaye McLeary, Neena Albarus, Wendel Abel
14 November 2023
Understanding polysubstance use at the daily and event levels: protocol for a mixed-methods qualitative and ecological momentary assessment study in a community-based sample of people who use illicit drugs in Oakland, California, USAJennifer Lorvick, Jordana Hemberg, Madeleine J George, Joy Piontak, Megan L Comfort
12 September 2023
Indications of alcohol or drug use disorders in five different national registers in Sweden: a cross-sectional population-based studyAndreas Lundin, Anna-Karin Danielsson, Christina Dalman, Anna-Clara Hollander
4 September 2023
Quality of life and relapse of Opioid Use Disorder: a scoping review protocolAngella Namatovu, Rita Akatusasira, Mark Mohan Kaggwa
20 July 2023
Examining the efficacy of a telehealth intervention targeting addictive eating in Australian adults (the TRACE Programme): a randomised controlled trial protocolJanelle A Skinner, Megan Whatnall, Mark Leary, Rebecca A Collins, Kirrilly M Pursey, Antonio Verdejo-García, Phillipa J Hay, Amanda L Baker, Leanne Hides, Susan J Paxton, Lisa G Wood, Kim Colyvas, Clare E Collins, Tracy L Burrows
6 June 2023